Accreditation Expert Panel

Saudi Arabia's Greenhouse Gas Crediting & Offsetting Mechanism

Accreditation Expert Panel

The Accreditation Expert Panel (AEP) informs the VVB accreditation process, which involves the evaluation of the VVB's adherence to GCOM’s criteria and standards following GCOM’s procedures, in line with international best practices.

Functions of the AEP include:

  • Ensure that VVBs meet the required standards of competence, independence, and reliability
  • Maintain the quality, reliability, credibility and trustworthiness of GCOM services
  • Uphold principles of transparency, accountability, and non-discrimination in all its operations

AEP members can access VVB applications and assessment forms here.

Sectors Scopes
Energy - Energy Industries and Petrochemicals
- Energy Distribution
- Energy Demand
Industrial & Construction - Manufacturing
- Metal Production
- Other Chemicals
- Construction
- Mining/Mineral Production
Transportation & Fuels - Transport
Environmental & Waste Management - Waste Management & Disposal;
   Solid Waste, Industrial Waste, Waste Water
Agriculture & Forestry - Agriculture
- Afforestation and reforestation
CCS & CCUS - Carbon Capture and storage of GHGs
- Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage of GHGs